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Caption and author : A Danube beach above Izmail, Ukraine. August 2023. Sophie Lambroschini ©sophielambroschini 

Books by our researchers

Hirschhausen, B. von, 2023. Les Provinces du temps - Frontières fantômes et expériences de l’histoire. Cnrs, Paris.


Lambroschini, S., 2022. Ukrainiens : Lignes de vie d’un peuple. Paris : Ateliers Henry Dougier.


Mützelburg, I., 2022. Transferring Asylum Norms to EU Neighbours. Multi-Scalar Policies and Practices in Ukraine, The European Union in International Affairs. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndsmills.

Articles by the Limspaces project researchers 

Eggart, C.  2024.  Waiting at Giurgiulesti Customs: Borders, Bureaucracy, and Geopolitics in between Ukraine, Moldova, and the EU. Geopolitics, 1–28.


Eggart, C., 2023. Lived Geopolitics: Grain Logistics Between the War and the Border. ZOiS Spotlight. URL


Eggart, C., 2022. Grassroot-level humanitarian aid and the paradoxes of logistics, regulation and geography in times of war | COMPAS. ZOiS Spotlight. URL (accessed 3.1.24).


Eggart, C., 2022. The End of the Post-Soviet. ZOiS Spotlight 21/2022, 1/06/2022. URL


Lambroschini, S. La Mobilisation de l'eau en Ukraine. La Vie des idées, 14/05/2024.


Lambroschini, S., 2023. Une société ukrainienne forgée dans l’adversité, Ukraine entre Est et Ouest. Questions internationales La documentation française, 38–49.


Lambroschini, S., 2022. How Do Ukrainian Resist? Sources and Limits of Critical Infrastructure Resilience. PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo no. 816, IERES, George Washington University, 12/12/2022.


Lambroschini, S., 2022. Les services publics ukrainiens face à l’hiver : pistes pour une reconstruction future. AOC media - Analyse Opinion Critique, 13/12/2022.


Lambroschini, S., 2022. “Infrastructure Citizenship: An Expression of Ukrainian Sovereignty in Wartime”. Focus Ukraine. Wilson Center, Kennan Institute, 07.04.2022.


Lambroschini, S., 2022. “Infrastructure, Rubble, and Resistance in the Current War”, Focus Ukraine. Wilson Center, Kennan Institute, 25.03.2022 


Langbein, J. and Sasse, G. “A Country Worth Living In”: Prioritizing Ukraine’s Social Recovery. In: Internationale Politik, IP Special, 2024, pp. 23-27.


von Löwis, S. 2024. From War Zone to Conflict Region: Ukrainian Refugees in Transnistria. ZOiS Spotlight 2/2024, 24/01/2024. 



Mützelburg, I. and Krawatzek, F., 2023. Education and Displacement: Ukrainian Families in Germany. ZOIS Report 1/2023. 


Mützelburg, I., 2022. Flucht in und aus der Ukraine. Ukraine-Analysen 2–6.


Mützelburg, I., 2022. Geflüchtete Schüler*innen aus der Ukraine. Berliner Bildungszeitschrift - bbz Zeitschrift der GEW.


Savchuk, I., 2023. L’économie ukrainienne en temps de guerre. La Vie des idées, 21/02/2023.


Savchuk, I., 2023. Transport et orientation agro-exportatrice de l’Ukraine (2010 – 2020). Bulletin de l’association de géographes français. Géographies Volume 100, 368–387.


Doctoral dissertation by our researcher

Eggart, C., 2024. Lived Geopolitics. Re-scaling the Market Infrastructure at Retail Hubs in Odesa and Bishkek, Dissertation, University of Manchester. 

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