Multipositioned families from Moldova. Responding to uncertainty

Caption and author : family on a walk in Comrat, Moldova. August 2022. Sophie Lambroschini ©sophielambroschini
Multipositioned families from Moldova. Responding to uncertainty.
This project aims to contribute to the axis of the LimSpaces project that explores the daily strategies of inhabitants between multi-positioning and solidarity. We explore the geographical imaginaries and multi-positioning practices of ordinary actors. Ordinary people are obliged to constantly readjust their strategies in the context of economic and political uncertainty. We look at the strategies adopted by ordinary families to increase the number of places and positions from which they can access the resources they need to reproduce socially in Moldova. We observe a high degree of geographical and professional mobility of the members of the group: between village and town but also between Western Europe and Russia. Many of them can rely on their Romanian passports, which give them access to the EU labour market, and Russian passports to go and work in construction in Moscow or St Petersburg. The war has of course disrupted these configurations.
The analysis started with a survey of university students in Chişinău. It examines the spatial strategies, and configuration adopted by families to enable their youngest members to secure their future in a context of great uncertainty about the country's socio-economic and geopolitical future. It is being conducted in cooperation with Elenea Sochirca and Vitalie Mamot (both from the Faculty of Geography at Ion Creangă Pedagogical University), Mihail Hachi (ASEM - Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova) and Dorin Lozoveanu (National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History of Moldova) in Chişinău as well as with Professor Octavian Groza from the University of Iaşi in Romania.
How do families articulate ubiquity and sedentary lifestyle, urbanity and rurality
How do individual projects relate to group solidarity, and to professional instability or constant domestic investment?
What regional imaginations, what "geonarrativs" (Hirschhausen 2023) motivate the choices made by individuals and families? How is the war transforming imagined possible futures in Europe or in Russia?